Winter is coming! This time of year we prepare ourselves for the dark, introspective time of the year. When we live in tune with the seasons, we expect Winter to be a time of retreat. Fewer activities and more time indoors allow for focus on the inner world. Mythology gives us a blueprint for the archetypal energies within. We can connect with the powerful forces within ourselves through embodying the characters within myth.
In the Springtime we focus on goddesses of light and fire and creativity to help propel us through the active seasons of the year. In the fall it's time to embrace our dark, quiet nature of our inner terrain and open ourselves to the next layer of learning that comes from the depths of our souls.
Stories have it that the first of Adam’s wives was not docile and obedient, but wild and free. Lilith is the part of ourselves that won’t be quieted or subdued. She speaks her mind and acts on her own authority without compromise. She fights fiercely for her freedom and her beliefs. Her associations with Owl and Snake indicate her affinity for the dark night and transformation of the soul. Owl and Snake will be our allies in the journey through our dark dream.
In our annual salute to the dark goddess this year, we will honor Lilith, the powerful first woman associated with the Shadow Self and the unencumbered Wild Woman. Our astrological chart will tell us in what part of our lives Lilith is wanting to speak. We’ll participate in activities to experience the archetype of the untamed feminine and begin the incubation of renewed internal strength, in the dark womb of winter. Together we’ll create and experience rituals to embrace and balance her energy within us.
If you are interested in this class coming up in October:
They are on four consecutive Monday Nights.
October 7th- October 28th, 7-9 PM
Taught by Regina Compernolle.
The first 2 classes will be online. We’ll work with the dark feminine in our personal astrology charts and enlist the wisdom of Owl and Snake to aid us in our journey.
Classes 3 and 4 will be at Sacred Earth Arts 4141 Joyce Drive, KCK. We’ll work with creating ritual for our own inner balance and empowering the group with the energy and clarity of Lilith.